drıp water pıpe and where ıs ıt used?
Drip water systems, which are the latest technology used in the world in irrigation technology, are produced in accordance with TSE EN 9261 standard. It is an irrigation method in which purified water and fertilizer are delivered to the soil surface or plant root in a small and continuous stream or drops through drippers.
What ıs the ımportance of the drıp ırrıgatıon system?
In times when the whole world needs every drop of rain that will fall, the amount of water that is wasted every year reaches millions of cubic meters due to mistakes made to increase agricultural productivity, especially in irrigation systems.
Therefore, in order not to waste millions of cubic meters of water, in the drip irrigation system, the plant is irrigated with less water at more frequent intervals without being stressed by excessive thirst, it has become the most ideal system for greenhouse, vegetable, fruit and tree irrigation, and the work done with the flood irrigation system has decreased.
What dıameters and ıntervals are drıp water pıpes produced?
The flat drip irrigation pipe produced in 16, 17, 20 and 22 mm diameters can drip varying amounts of water and the wall thickness of the pipe can vary from 6 miles to 12 miles.
In order to irrigate at longer distances, the wall thickness of the flat drip irrigation pipe is thinner than the round drip irrigation pipe, the drippers are flat and the dripper spacing can vary from 20 cm to 50 cm.
Round drip irrigation pipes are produced in 16 and 20 mm diameters and between 0.9 – 1.2 mm wall thickness. Drip Irrigation pipes made for short distances are rounded. Coil lengths are 200 m and 400 m and they can drip from 2 liters to 4 liters of water per hour.