What ıs PPRC pıpe?
PPRC, an abbreviation of the words Polypropylene Random Copolymer, can provide high performance even at very high and low temperatures and pressure conditions.
Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPRC) pipes used in hot water heating and clean water systems have a high level of use and durability due to their ultra-high molecular structure. It is produced from Polypropylene Random Copolymer raw material.
Do PPRC pıpes have a negatıve effect on human health?
If we consider the value it gives to human health in plastic pipe factories, it has been determined that PPRC pipes do not contain carcinogenic substances that will affect human health, successful results have been obtained in the tests conducted in the leading countries of Europe and it has been determined that it does not cause any health problems. It is also approved by health laws in the USA.
Could you gıve ınformatıon about the general propertıes of PPRC pıpes?
Polypropylene pipes show high resistance against chemicals. They do not rust and do not corrode. They can work in acidic and basic environments.
It is superior to the formation of algae and bacteria and does not allow its reproduction and formation. Since the inner surfaces of PPRC pipes are smooth, fluids do not have a chance to hold on to the pipe surface.
It is flexible, unbreakable, easily transported and easy to install. It can be used in flush-mounted applications without any insulation to the PPRC pipe. PPRC pipes do not interact with materials such as cement.
What are the usage areas of PPRC pıpes?
Hot-cold plumbing systems inside and outside the building, Solar energy systems, Solar collectors, Compressed air systems, Air conditioning systems, Industrial pipe systems etc.
What are the productıon standards of PPRC pıpes?
Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPRC) pipes and auxiliary parts are classified as type 3. It is produced in accordance with DIN 8077 and DIN 8078 standards as a German norm. Turkish standard numbers are TS 9937 and TS 11755.
The raw material used in PPRC pipes is approved by the United States health laws. It has also been approved by the health authorities of European countries, especially developed countries such as Germany, France and Great Britain.
What are the propertıes of polypropylene raw materıal?
It is a white colored material obtained by the polymerization of propylene molecules obtained from the Naphta substance, to obtain larger molecules by adding end-to-end.
The availability and price of Polypropylene, which uses 96% derivatives from crude oil in its production, is directly related to world oil reserves and prices. We can even give the following information; When the world runs out of oil, polypropylene will also run out.